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My Mom

Do I remember how to do this?  It's been SO long!
I'm hoping to begin blogging again, but first of all, I want to take
some time to share and honor my mother with you.

 For the past five years, a good bit of my time and energy has gone into caring for my mother.
And, that's a good thing!  What a privilege to care for someone who was so precious to me.

Doris (Fort) Huff-Robinson
April 1932 - April 2020

My Brother Says It Best
this was part of his tribute.

Proverbs 31:20-21 (NLT)
She extends a helping hand to the poor and opens her
arms to the needy. She has no fear of winter for her
household, for everyone has warm clothes.

Mom was truly a homemaker.
She had no fear of hard work.
In the field. In her gardens.

That garden.
Filled with bright red tomatoes
and yellow squash.
Rows of tall okra lined up like soldiers
standing at attention.
String beans and a luffa here and there.
Whoever had heard of a luffa?

Watermelon and cantaloupes
which the coyotes enjoyed 
more often than we did.

She was ever resourceful!
She used what she had.
Often, the clothes on my back
literally, came from her hands.
Blue Jeans.
Cowboy shirts,
complete with snazzy pearl snaps.

She had strong hands.
Somehow larger than my own.
With those hands - She mended things.
On account of there were a LOT of boys in that house.

She mended the wayward creatures,
that became pets.
And with those same strong hands,
she mended those same boys.

Her heart was kind and gracious.
When I came to know God's grace myself,
it was familiar.
Something I already recognized.
Something I already knew."

So much more could be said about my mother -
She's a hard act to follow.

A True Gift From God!

